A Month in Review-January 2022

Guys. It's the end of January. 


How is it that we're already finished with the first month of 2022??? *nervous laughter*
Well. I didn't get as much read this month as I wanted too. I only completely finished two books. But hey, those two books were pretty good!! 

~Not if I Save You First by Ally Carter

~The Wide Window
by Lemony Snickett 


~Y'all I particapted in Crazy Writing Week hosted by Young Writer's Workshop. It was epic. I've got a whole post coming up soon about that unexpected adventure. 

~I also worked on a few other projects and blog posts, so it was pretty good! 

Overall, January was a nice start to the new year. 

~Celebrated New Year's Day with a power outage. It wasn't that bad. I got to read by candlelight. 

~Learned all about fingerprinting and analyzing blood at a crime scene. It was quite intriguing. *evil laughter in the background*

~*Finally* watched the last LotR movie. All I can say is...my heart. #allthefeels. I didn't think I would ever get really attached to these movies but I did and it was totally worth it. 

~Spent a lot of time emailing a couple of my very sweet friends (you KnOw who you are *hugs*). 

~I also finally watched Encanto after hearing the whole world rave about it, and yeah, it was good. Brought back A LOT of nostalgia from watching Disney Princess movies as a kid. 
I might not be doing these wrap-ups every month, but I wanted to try it out this time. But you tell me, did you like hearing about my January? Would you want to see more of these? ALSO, I've got some some blog posts in mind for February but I want to hear your thoughts. What content would you like to see in February? Also, also, I'm starting to post a "Question of the Week" on the Lair page every Wednesday, so if you want to have fun answering some crazy questions (but don't worry, they aren't too personal) then be sure to come back on Wednesday to check it out!


  1. OoOooOo FUN POST, EMMA!!!! This is like the FIRST EVER month wrap-up post where I had read all the books listed. XD So high fives to you cuz I feel so proud right now. BUT WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME YOU HAD READ NOT IF I SAVE YOU FIRST????!!!!!! I'm SO glad to hear you got a lot of writing done!! AND YOU DIDN'T TELL ME YOU FINISHED LORD OF THE RINGS?????!!!! Man, what is it with you not telling me the really big and important stuff. ;P XD Wasn't that Aragorn speech at the end just... PERFECTION!!! And wow, New Year's Day with a power outage... oof. And learning about analyzing a crime scene just sounds like so much fun! I LOVED hearing abouty your January, and would totally love to see more of them!! I don't have any specific request of content for Feb. but I know I'll love whatever you post, so do what you're most excited for!!!!!

    (Also, you did not just totally steal my whole post idea for my author blog... LOL. XD)

    1. Thank you!!!! Seriously?! That's so awesome that you've read the books I mentioned. I mean, I obviously know you read Not if I Save You First (I'M SORRY I CAN'T BELIEVE I FORGOT TO TELL YOUUUU EXPECT AN EMAIL FULL OF FANGIRLING SOON!!! XDD) but I didn't know you had read The Wide Window! Yess, I'm really happy with the writing I got done (btw someone *cough* has NOT answered a specific email regarding writing times that Kat answered and I'm reminding her to RESPOND but she hasn't yet so I might just respond to it because I really want to get that figured out with y'all)! Well... to be fair I did just watch the last LotR on the weekend BUT I also really want to talk about it with you so maybe expect an email about that soon too. ;) Yess, Aragon's speech was the best!! So I loved the crime scene stuff AND it gave me some valuable info that I *might* just use in a new story with Mr. You-Know-Who soon. *grins* Yay!! I'm so glad you liked hearing about it. I really enjoyed doing it so it might just become a monthly thing. XD

      (*cackles* Of course I wouldn't do something like that #sorrynotsorry)


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